24 February 2008

American Elites lounging in Bush Gardens ...

You thought it just started around 1933 and ended in a bunker in 1945 ... and this time, you think it just started around 1999 and is about to end in 2009 ? Well ... you ain't any better informed than millions of "patriot-act" americans who sleep walk the US to its inevitable demise while prophets scream their agony in the great MacWorld void :

The Age of Barbarism Lite
By Karen J Greenberg

" Someday, Americans will have to reckon with this period of time - and with a group of leaders who were more comfortable with definitions out of the darker ages than ones out of the Enlightenment era.

This administration's bold flirtation with torture, medieval-style, has led us into sorry company, whether in the past or the present. Its top officials told the world they would do "what it takes" in their "war on terror" and in the Middle East, with or without allies.

They then chose to leave the family of nations and take up kinship in the family of torturers."


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